

Sublimaatio (myös ylevöityminen) on psykologian ja erityisesti psykoanalyysin käsite jolla tarkoitetaan vietin purkamista henkisen työn avulla: kielletyiksi koetut viettiyllykkeet muuntuvat tai jalostuvat sellaisiksi, että ne pääsevät tyydyttymään sosiaalisesti hyväksyttävällä tavalla. Sublimaatiossa voidaan erottaa muun muassa, kuinka viettienergia siirtyy biologisista kohteista ei-biologisiin. 

Esimerkiksi älyllistä uteliaisuutta voidaan pitää tirkistelyviettymyksen (skoptofilian) jalostumana. Sublimaatio käsite liittyy erityisesti Sigmund Freudin varhaiseen ajatteluun; hän piti kulttuuria ja taidetta vietin jalostumina.

Kuva: Eckart Goebel, James C Wagner (Translator): Beyond Discontent: 'Sublimation' from Goethe to Lacan (2012)


Kuva: Eckart Goebel, James C Wagner (Translator): Beyond Discontent: 'Sublimation' from Goethe to Lacan (2012)

Publisher: A sweeping intellectual history, encompassing literature, philosophy and psychoanalysis, of the pervasive idea of sublimation in German thought. According to Freud's later works, we do not really feel well or free within civilization. Our discontent never disappears, and we shall never become completely reliable members of society. Alcohol already suffices, Freud tells us, to ruin the fragile architecture of sublimations. Since 'Beyond the Pleasure Principle, ' sublimation seems to be nothing more than a euphemism for suppressing the drives. We sublimate because we did not get or were not allowed to have what we 'actually' wanted. Is sublimation a mere surrogate or perhaps even the name psychoanalysis found for 'theoria' in the twentieth century? With Freud as its pivot, Goebel provides an intellectual history of sublimation, which also serves as an introduction to other key ideas associated with the authors discussed, such as Schopenhauer's philosophy of music, the will to power in Nietzsche, the structure of Freudian psychoanalysis, Adorno's concept of modern art, or Lacanian ethics. In examining both its prehistory and reception, Goebel argues that sublimation can be reconsidered as the road toward an individual and social life beyond discontent.

According to Freud’s later works, we do not really feel well or free within civilization. Our discontent never disappears, and we shall never become completely reliable members of society. Alcohol already suffices, Freud tells us, to ruin the fragile architecture of sublimations. Since ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle,’ sublimation seems to be nothing more than a euphemism for suppressing the drives. We sublimate because we did not get or were not allowed to have what we ‘actually’ wanted. Is sublimation a mere surrogate or perhaps even the name psychoanalysis found for ‘theoria’ in the twentieth century? With Freud as its pivot, Goebel provides an intellectual history of sublimation, which also serves as an introduction to other key ideas associated with the authors discussed, such as Schopenhauer’s philosophy of music, the will to power in Nietzsche, the structure of Freudian psychoanalysis, Adorno’s concept of modern art, or Lacanian ethics. In examining both its prehistory and reception, Goebel argues that sublimation can be reconsidered as the road toward an individual and social life beyond discontent.

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